Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Another meaningful meeting last evening with our theme - gratitude.  We often find it difficult to express gratitude in the little everyday things as our lives are so busy.  The group concluded, however, that it's the little things that are what's important - sunsets, full moons, warm socks.  If we wait to express our thanks for the big things, many of the little things that really make a meaningful life can go unnoticed. 

It seems that everyone gets so caught up in the Christmas season with blaring black Friday ads and even Thanksgiving evening "black Friday" sales that we whisk right past Thanksgiving without reflecting on the importance of expressing gratitude for life's bounty.  Giving Christmas its due is fine but let us all relax, breathe and enjoy Thanksgiving and not just a day we have to get through so we can start on the next "real" holiday.

As we all sit around our dinner tables tomorrow, acknowledge all there is to be thankful for because life really is about all the meaningful little moments that make up our days. 

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