Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Masters Series

So, I mentioned before that the local elementary school principal asked me to be part of their Masters Series and teach 3rd graders to knit.  It starts on Friday.  Yesterday afternoon I went the volunteer orientation meeting.  As we went around the table introducing ourselves, I felt kinda silly. There were people teaching rocketry, fossils, math, science stuff, computers, and some stuff I wasn't even sure what it was.  But then I remembered out of the entire 3rd grade, my knitting classes have the most signed, including boys, s o   t h e r e!!!  Hahahahh

I lugged home 3 giant bags full of Red Hart yarn and aluminum needles to cast on for them.  Each of the classes is only 45 minutes long and I thought it better to already have casted on for them so we didn't spend the entire class time doing that, lest they get frustrated.  This way they can start knitting right away.  Good idea right?  Except now I have a mountain of casting on but I'll get it done tonight, I hope.  Yikes.

I am getting excited though and it should be much fun.  This will teach them math (take that math geeks), color, texture, and most important...CALMNESS!  Will keep you posted on my progress, perhaps you too will be up until the wee hours of the night reading this blog as I become a casting on fool. 

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