The Masters Series went very well. Thank God I had the presence of mind to enlist one helper along with one of the grandmothers and another mom offered to help. I could not have done it without them. Not sure WHAT I was thinking.
At precisely the right time, 12 eager 8 and 9 year olds, filed in to eagerly learn to knit. Nametags, ziplock bags with names, choose a skein of enormous Red Hart and split up into 3 groups of we went. I'd read that the Waldorf School, that teaches all students knitting, uses a rhyme to help the kids learn. I wasn't sure it made much sense but I memorized it just in case. It worked like a charm and really helped the kids "get it." "In through the front door, run around back, out through the window, and off jumps Jack." Try it on your next knit stitch, makes perfect sense.
Forty five minutes goes by very fast. Aluminum needles shoved into enormous skeins of Red Hart, put into ziplocks and off to the next class and we start the process again with the next group of 13.
I was anxious that morning that all would go well, the kids would be well behaved and we'd all have fun. I had visions of the boys using their needles as swords, which didn't happen, or a fire drill or an allergic to cats kid having an asthma attack from my cats' chasing an errant skein around my living room. The anxiety quickly left once I got there and we got started. It went swimmingly, my fellow helper teachers were great. But I can tell you, it was exhausting and I only had to do it for an hour and a half. I don't know how the teachers do it all day. I guess you get used to the high energy...eventually. I needed a nap!
We all have our strengths and although I had fun and am looking forward to the rest of the classes, phew, it is tiring.
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