Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Where's Kitty?

I was on a roll this weekend, actually thought I'd get my Knit Swirl jacket done - at least the knitting part.  The weaving in of ends, sewing, will probably take another year.  It was snowing all day Sunday and felt like I was living in a snow globe.  Knitting away, my little companion was very cozy and became lost in the voluminous layers that is my Knit Swirl project.  All this before my casting off somehow ended up uneven in number and I put the damned thing aside, yet again.  If I didn't have so much time and money invested, I'd chuck the whole thing.  Oh Nikki...help!

This is it!

Yep, that's all there is.  An interesting way to bring mindfulness to every moment.  I know for myself, when moments are especially fabulous, I can go down the path of wanting to hold onto it because I know it won't last; spending a lot of energy wishing it would.  Instead of just being in the moment.  And of course, when moments aren't so swell, we tend to think they'll last forever.  As we all know, each moment passes for better or worse.   Some last longer than others, some are joyous, others not so  much.  Jon Kabat-Zinn coined the phrase "this is it" in his book "Wherever You Go, There You Are."  A wonderful read to help bring mindfulness into our everyday lives.  So as the holiday season gets underway, take a moment to breathe, find stillness and say "this is it!"

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Knitting and Yoga

I've been asked to bring The Happiness Knitting Project into the yoga studio.  After Wednesday evening yoga, I'll be teaching my fellow yogi's how to knit.  Two of my favorite things combined.  How swell is that.  Everyone will be so relaxed after yoga, it will make for a very laid back class.  Nancy will even show us some good stretches to keep our wrists limber. 

I continue to be amazed at the places knitting will go.  Keeping myself open to the synchronicity of life and I'm always surprised.  Who'da thunk these two would go so well together but they're both perfect ways to reduce stress and much more fun when done with a group.  I've even heard it said

The Yarn Whisperer

I pulled this book down off the shelf for a second read.  It's written in vignettes of the author's knitting life and is a quick read.  Although I am enjoying it the second go around, I wouldn't say it's laugh out loud as the book jacket mentions.  I would say there's more sadness and how she uses knitting to get through those times. Nothing wrong with that however.  I'd recommend it as a quick, light read.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Courier Article

Here's the article I mentioned last week.  It turned out well and am excited to begin this project.  Please feel free to pass it along to anyone with breast cancer who'd like to learn knitting for mindful relaxation.  I'm hoping the group will be very successful and people will not only learn to knit, but to form friendships and provide support to one another during difficult times.


Saturday, October 25, 2014

Shelly's Finished Cowl!

The newspaper interview went well and great photo op with our regular staff Friday group.  Both Shelly and Trisha finished their cowls although with all the excitement, I didn't get a picture of Trisha's cowl, so send it Trisha, will you.

Here's Shelly's cowl and she's off to the next one.  We're all having so much fun.  Love it and really breaks up our day to take our lunch time to knit and cabitz!

Friday, October 24, 2014

THKP Breast Cancer Group

Woohoo!  Not only is it our Friday knitting group at the hospital, but the local reporter is coming to interview me about THKP Breast Cancer group!  This is a dream come true for me.  I've been wanting to start this group for what seems like a couple of years anyway.  I just hope we get a good response of people who are interested. 

Our Friday group continues to be a success with regular attendance.  We've got scarves and cowls done, will need to post pictures.  Interested to see what the ladies want to tackle next. 

I am encouraged as I continue my quest to Spread Happiness; Reduce Stress, one Ball of Yarn at a Time!


Thursday, October 16, 2014

Very Exciting News!!

I'm happy to announce I will begin another Happiness Knitting Project weekly session very soon.  This will be a very special group for breast cancer patients only.  I feel so passionate about providing people with an activity that they can use to decrease stress and improve their happiness.  When ladies are going through cancer treatment, there's so many medical appointments to attend and having the ability to pull their beloved knitting from their bag to pass the time; providing even a small sense of calm.  During chemo, often vision is blurred, making reading difficult.  With two big sticks and some heavier yarn, knitting would be possible.

In a study by Kang et al. (2011) they found improvements in immune function during breast cancer treatment with relaxation.  Dr. Benson from the Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at Mass. General likened knitting to invoking the relaxation response (2001).  My hope is that sharing my love for knitting and it's ability to improve relaxation, can help breast cancer patients through this difficult time.

Forming this group has been a dream for over a year and I'm very excited it's coming to fruition, hopefully next  month.  It will be for Teller County ladies on Mondays at Pikes Peak Regional Hospital. Exact time will be determined by needs of those interested in participating.   If you know of anyone diagnosed in the last year that would benefit from this project,  please pass on the info.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Friday Knitting Group

Ok, ladies, keep each other going on Friday while I'm gone.  Will miss you all and hope the knitting emergencies were all handled today.  The cowls are coming along beautifully and I suspect one will be done very soon with the second to quickly follow.  Feel free to post pictures of your projects and even of the group on Friday so I can feel like I'm keeping up with your progress even while being out of town. 
And whatever you do, don't forget to laugh!  :)

Travel Knitting

I'm off on yet another trip.  This time to Phoenix where it's perfect knitting weather - in the 90's.  Yippee!  I'm still working on my socks, which is usually my go to travel project because it's so small and very portable and I don't have to think too much.  I used to read when traveling but I find knitting is much more enjoyable and with all the noise and people talking around me, it's easier to focus on my knitting than reading. 
During the conference, I'll pass the time with knitting.  Believe it or not, it actually helps me focus on the material being presented if my hands are busy.  At least, that's how I justify it to myself.  All the hurry up and waiting with travel these days is so much easier to tolerate with my knitting.  I'll finish the first sock and start on the second during this trip. 
I honestly don't know how people can stand to travel without keeping their hands busy.  Most read but I want to reach out and poke somebody in the eye if they're incessantly talking when I'm trying to read, so knitting is safer for others.  In addition, if I really don't want to hear anyone, I put my ear phones in which doesn't distract me from knitting, but definitely does if I'm trying to read.  So there!

Monday, September 29, 2014


I'm at an impasse with my Knit Swirl jacket-need more of the belgium chocolate yarn so I can have 2 bobbins of it going at each cuff. But still needed to knit so started a pair of delicious Malabrigo socks for myself. browns with hint if green. that yarn is a dream to work with & I always keep some onhand as my go-to project. what's your go-to project?
The moral of this story is, always have a back up knitting plan...if you're stuck and have the deep desire to knit and your current project isn't working, yikes what then!  Hence, the go-to project.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Friday PPRH Group

Great group today. Two started their first in the round project - a cowl, one started her first dpn project - infant socks for her new twin grandsons. The others continued on current projects. As usual, much laughter &wonderful conversation. The problems of the day were forgotten at least for an hour.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Knitting Help

Nikki to the rescue.  I think I'm back on track with my Knit Swirl jacket. However, because I'm using 2 different yarns, there's a bit of a tangling problem that's maddening so I just may need more remedial help this weekend.
It was nice to run into several members of the Friday group at Nikki's though.  Watching people pick out yarn for a new project is wonderful especially when they're so very excited to learn some new skills.  Looking forward to our group tomorrow, starting a cowl, infant socks and continuing on with our original scarf.  Great group and it brings me much happiness to share my beloved knitting with them.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Giving Up

So I'd been working on this relatively easy scarf that was lacy with a bunch of yarn-overs and had many re-starts then was making some progress.  A coupla days ago at the last 2 stitches of the row, they fell off, dropped stitches were had and I threw up my hands and said "nope, done with this!"  Well that's not exactly what I said, there were many expletives but you get my drift.  I just decided it wasn't worth the effort and when a project ceases to be fun and enjoyable, well that's the end of that....my new mantra.   Life's too short to tear my hair out at least most of the time. 
I'm determined to get back to my Knit Swirl Jacket I started and stopped since last November.  Mostly stopped especially during the entire summer as it was getting too big as a travel project and I've been doing A LOT of traveling.  I started the sleeves but they just don't look quite right so I'm off to Nikki's Knots on Saturday for some help so I can get it done once and for wall and actually wear it this fall or winter. 
Here's what it's supposed to look like when it's done.  It's done in worsted Belgium Chocolate with lace weight black in between.  Very soft, nice drape and looks mink-coat like.

New Project Idea - Cowl

Hey PPRH Happiness Knitting Project Friday Group - take a look at this circular scarf, called a cowl.   A couple of you have expressed an interested in advancing a little and learning how to read patterns. This looks very easy and don't get overwhelmed by the instructions as I'll explain them step by step.  But you can use the same needles you have if they're 24" long.  I know we did measure one set but now I can't remember the length.  For those of you working on your initial scarf, don't fret, we'll continue until you finish and want to advance...ever so slowly. 

Sunday, September 7, 2014

First Finished Project

At the Pikes Peak Regional Hospital knitting group, we had our 1st finished scarf. So exciting and plans underway for the next project. They want to learn to read a pattern. Hmmm...what to choose. Ravelry here I come!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

The final reveal

Ok here it is. One of my recent projects that I couldn't post until the gift was given. A friend who's having a baby has a husband who is a professional fisherman. So we outfitted this bear in a complete fishing outfit.  Turned out absolutely adorable. The bear's feet were too huge however to wear the little knitted waders so they're just hanging on by the suspenders.  But cute nontheless.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Enjoyed a meditation group session this evening with mindfulness discussion afterwards.  It was hard to stay awake during the 20 minute quiet session. I think I nodded off sitting upright.  And afterward, although I felt relaxed & calm, I couldn't help thinking that if I had been spending my meditation time mindfully knitting, I wouldn't be falling asleep.  AND I'd have something to show for my efforts.  As I posted yesterday, there's no right way to meditate & I for one prefer to do so with knitting needles and some delicious yarn in my hands.  I can most definitely forget everything while I focus my full attention in the here & now of my latest project.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Travel Knitting

This lacy scarf pattern, although easy, requires constant concentration.  This forces me to knit mindfully...not a bad thing!  It made my flights go by very quickly as I was intent on not making any mistakes, which I didn't.  I prefer more straightforward patterns for travel like socks so I can quickly put my work down & pick it back up again without losing my place.  However, I didn't want to start yet another project so decided to take a chance on the lacy scarf. So far so good.  Now I'll soon be off to all day meeting and no knitting. I'll be twitching by tonight! 😜

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Vera, Oh How I Love Thee

I just love Vera Bradley's stuff especially for traveling and knitting.  Since I'm getting ready to do both, I thought I'd share my latest find and what a brilliant (in my opinion) idea this is.  Here's her traveling jewelry case.  I don't travel with any jewelry other than that on my person so I cannot imagine what anyone would need this piece for if used for it's intended purpose.  HOWEVER, lookey how swell a traveling knitting notion case it is.  Holds all those pesky little pieces, stitch markers perfectly.  Absolutely LOVE this.  It makes all the sitting in airports so much more enjoyable when you have all your tools and who could possibly travel without their knitting???  Can't imagine.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Mindful Knitting Revisted

My last two projects I'm unable to share as the recipieints would see them here but I will post them in a month or so.  I've started a new lacey scarf to go with my new fall ensemble however the sock weight has made it difficult.  I've had 3 false starts as I've gotten distracted and missed my place in this 12 stitch pattern repeat.  This brings home the need for more mindful knitting!  When my mind wanders, I make mistakes.  How often does this replicate itself in other aspects of our lives? For me, often, which is why I continually strive to be more mindful.

What are you working on?  I'd love to have people share their projects here.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Hi All
Phew the past couple weeks have been a whirlwind and I apologize for being absent here.  As many of you know, I've expanded my job scope to include interim Chief Nursing Officer, so have been very busy on a steep learning curve but starting to get a bit in the groove.  I'm finding that I really like it as I'm learning new things every day.  Sadly, my knitting has suffered but as I get better at the new job, I'll have more mental capacity to knit.  :)

What I have found though in all this business, is that I've not been nearly as mindful as I'd like to be.  My mind's been pulled in a multitude of directions and I've been thinking what I have to do next instead of focusing on what's in front of me.  Hence, I haven't felt as productive or as serene as I'd like to be.  So back to meditation and knitting as it really helps keep me focused on the present moment.

Ughh!  What kind of example am I setting, if I can't follow my own advice during times of stress so I'm making a concerted effort to make the time to breathe and knit everyday even if just for a few minutes.  I can feel the calm come over me during these brief moments and I remember why I need this in my life just like sleep, air, food, and ... coffee!

It's all too easy to get caught up in putting out fires then falling exhausted into bed and right back at it the next day.  But, making the conscious decision to take a moment to just be there, listening authentically to the person in front of you, taking one issue at a time is possible and most definitely preferable not only to you but the person who needs your attention right then.

So...just remember to B R E A T H E...and KNIT!