Wednesday, September 30, 2015


How do you set an intention?  It’s not like a wish for something but much more profound.  Setting an intention is a process of making a decision on what you want, believing with the utmost faith that it is possible, and setting goals to achieve it.  
At this time of year and over the next couple of months, people often come up with resolutions that the majority are never realized.  This is because you can’t just write down some goals, forget about them and then they appear as if a magic genie granted you three wishes.  Setting intention is much stronger, deeper than with a specific plan on exactly how you’re going to go about achieving it.  Intention is the end result so it’s good to begin with the end in mind.  Then back it up with what small steps every day are you going to do to work towards that end?  So if your intention is to lose weight, exactly how much weight?  What are you going to do each and every day that will enable that to happen?  And you can’t just say, “I’ll eat right and exercise more.”  Way too general.  That’s the difference between setting an intention and a resolution.  Write down exactly what it means to “eat right” every day; how many calories, how many servings of whole grains, fresh fruits and veggies, etc.  Write down how long you will exercise, where you will exercise, what activity you will do and at what time of day you will do it.  Going so far as to write down what days of the week as well.
That my friends is the specificity of intention.  When you put your intention down on paper with very specific ways that you will achieve it, you will be amazed at how much more successful you will be.  In addition, an intention is all about something you are very passionate about, not just lukewarm.  It isn’t what someone else wants you to do, or what you think you “should” do but something you’re deeply passionate about achieving.  
Thinking about your intention in the morning when you get up and again before you go to bed, keeps it in your consciousness at all times.  Looking at your intention in the written form with the specific path you’ve put down on achieving it during the course of your day will keep it on your mind as well.  
Wayne Dyer said "you don't attract what you want, but what you are." For instance, if you want prosperity, you have to be act prosperous. If you want deeper relationships, be a better friend, co-worker, spouse. If you want abundance, give to others.  In other words, give out to others that which you want for yourself.  

A new way at looking at goal setting, give it a try and watch the magic happen.  Do keep me posted on how it’s working for you.

Saturday, September 26, 2015


C.S. Lewis said “we are what we believe we are.”  Never has this been more true.  If you believe you’re destined for great things, they you will achieve great things.   If you believe the world is a terrible place filled with terrible people and poor me, then that’s exactly what you will get.  Of course, you can’t sit around all day expecting greatness to just come knocking at your door, you must prepare for it.  Put hard work into your dream, go out and meet people who are doing similar things to what you want to do, ask them to mentor you.  Read all you can, attend seminars, whatever it takes to learn and surround yourself with your dream, believing all the while that it will happen.  What is it they say, luck is opportunity meeting preparedness.  True.  But I don’t believe in luck, synchronicity yes, but I don’t call that luck. 
We draw to us that what we put out into the world.  Just try being happy and upbeat around your co-workers, I promise you they will respond in kind.  Don’t let others bring you down.  You have a choice each and every day how you will face the world and what your attitude will be. 

When trying to discover your mission here, what is it that you think about when your mind wanders?  That’s were your true love/passion lies.